So this didn't make it to my other story about Ulvön, but yesterday placed three nets for "sik" (Coregonus lavaretus) and one net for "strömming" (herring) in the water, took them out this morning.
I had ordered herring for lunch, but mom was still scared to place more than one net for this fish. Once we placed 4 nets and got about 200 kg of herring, not fun.
A little video on how it looked can be seen here.
Some pics then as well, click on a pic to see it bigger. The text for describing the pic is always above the actual pic itself.
August 25, 2013
Still in the boathouse, down into the old 7 meter wooden fishing boat. About 100 years old, makes about 4 knots, still takes you where you want to go even if it takes a while. You can see my mom, also her husband on the way down.
The diesel fueled Volvo Penta engine, makes a wonderful noise when you drive it.
Backing out, our boathouse (under renovation) to the right.
Yours truly, you might not spot it in the picture, but I'm very excited! Love catching fishes!
Going north, pic to the north east.
Northeast tip of Ronön.
Our first and only "sik" of the day. We did get a bunch of herring already in these nets though, so promised well for the real herring net (or like the old folks said, they started getting really worried).
I say you can never get too much herring!
Gollum might like it raw, but I like my fish fried! Screw sushi...
But it is wonderful when you see the glittering fish caught in the net and you know you'll chew on their delicious little bodies in less than 4 hours! Oh and the video on the top if you missed it shows some more of my food coming up from the ocean.
I served as the row master today.
We also got one "simpa" (Cabezon), a fish we don't like. It shall be killed and not allowed to bread any longer. Luckily this was only a small one and hadn't completely messed up the net.
And last pic, me and mom picking out the herring from the net. Ended up just short of 140 herring, so about 7 kg. Gave away 2 kg to some neighbours, the rest I plan on eating over 6 meals in 3 days, mmm, fish!
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